Mynydd Du Code of Conduct for Members
As a responsible fell runner you will:
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person involved in fell running and treat everyone equally.
Consistently promote positive aspects of the sport such as fair play and never condone rule violations or the use of prohibited or age-inappropriate substances.
Anticipate and be responsible for your own needs including being organised, having the appropriate equipment and knowing where you are. This is vital to your safety on the mountain.
Act with dignity and display courtesy and good manners towards others.
Avoid abusive language and irresponsible behaviour including behaviour that is dangerous to yourself or others, acts of violence, bullying, harassment and physical and sexual abuse.
Challenge inappropriate behaviour and language by others.
Never engage in any inappropriate or illegal behaviour.
Avoid destructive behaviour and leave the mountains as beautiful as you find them.
Report any suspected misconduct by fell runners to the club welfare officer as soon as possible. If you are not comfortable talking to the club welfare officer then please speak to any other officer or member who should then bring the matter to the attention of the club welfare officer.
Wednesday evening club run
The Wednesday evening club run is not a coached training session. It is a group of capable fell runners meeting to run together instead of alone for reason of companionship and increased safety. Normally one runner is appointed as “leader”. The “leader” is responsible for showing their club-mates a nice route to run. They have no more responsibility for the safety of the group than any other runner. All runners are responsible for their safety and that of the group. To that end each runner should:
Ensure that they are physically fit and capable of undertaking the planned run.
Carry sufficient clothing and lighting to keep them safe for the run and in the event of a runner becoming injured and requiring assistance.
Ensure that they are aware enough of their location and surrounds to be able to navigate to a place of safety.
When running, ensure not to lose contact with the runner behind you.
Keep track of the number of runners in the group and make sure that no-one is left behind.
Make sure to inform the rest of the group if you are leaving the group before reaching the finishing point.
Make sure to inform the rest of the group if you join the group after leaving the start point.
Assist and support to the best of your ability any runner in difficulty.
Mini Dragons
Mini Dragons sessions are fell running sessions for children with their parents. The sessions are organised and delivered by the parents of the children. The sessions include running in challenging mountain terrain with varying levels of risk. Parents are required to either attend sessions with their children or, on occasion, send their children with another specified adult who will act in the role of parent (in loco parentis). All parents are responsible for their children’s safety, their own safety, and the safety of the group. To that end each parent should:
Provide the level of supervision that they feel their children require for the session.
Ensure that they and their children are physically fit and capable of undertaking the planned session.
Carry between them and their children sufficient clothing and lighting to keep them safe for the session and in the event of a child or adult becoming injured and requiring assistance.
Not bring a dog. We love dogs but have decided that they don’t fit well into sessions.
Listen well and take good account of any briefings led by a session organiser, both written in advance or oral on the day.
Follow the instructions given in those briefings.
Speak up if you they do not understand the briefings or have concerns.
Ensure that they are aware enough of their location and surrounds to be able to navigate to a place of safety.
When running, ensure not to lose contact with the runner behind you.
Help to keep track of the number of runners in the group and make sure that no-one is left behind.
Make sure to inform the rest of the group if you are leaving the group before reaching the finishing point.
Make sure to inform the rest of the group if you join the group after leaving the start point.
Assist and support, to the best of your ability, any child or adult in difficulty, distress or confusion.
By example and instruction we will also encourage our children to begin to take their own responsibility for the above.